How do I apply for a job at Maison Helya?
We regularly publish job offers on our website under the heading ‘Join Maison Helya’. You can apply directly online using our application form, attaching your CV and covering letter (optional). We’re always on the lookout for talented people, so don’t hesitate to send us your unsolicited application to the following address: recrutement@maisonhelya.fr

Do I need to have papers to work at Maison Helya?
Yes, all our employees are declared and those who are not of French nationality all have a residence permit and a valid work permit. We scrupulously respect the labor code which applies in France.

Who is my employer?
Maison Helya. Unlike recruitment agencies, we are the employer of all our staff and are therefore responsible for their working conditions. We manage the entire recruitment protocol, ongoing training and all administrative aspects such as the employment contract, pay slips, holidays, social security declarations in the event of sickness or maternity leave, affiliation to the health insurance scheme, occupational medicine, legal risks in the event of a claim, meal allowances, miscellaneous equipment, etc.

Can I choose my timetable?
When you sign your employment contract, you choose the working hours and public holidays on which you do or do not wish to work, as well as your weekly rest day. All of this is written into your employment contract, and no changes can be made without the prior written agreement of both parties.

How do I justify the hours I work on customer premises?
Maison Helya has set up a remote management system. Each time you arrive at a customer’s premises and each time you leave, you scan an NFC badge with your business phone. The data collected is used to draw up your pay slip based on the hours actually worked, taking into account any extra pay for working on Sundays, public holidays or at night.

Do I need to bring my own equipment?
No, you use the material on site, which has been checked by Maison Helya beforehand and supplemented if necessary.

What should I wear to do the job?
We would like to inform you of the appropriate dress to wear. We provide a black tunic for all employees working as housekeepers, cleaners and linen maids. Certain professions require a suit or tailor, such as family office managers, personal assistants, chauffeurs, butlers, butlers, etc.). A Maison Helya badge is provided to each employee.

Can I choose the area in which I want to work?
We work throughout France and abroad, but your employment contract specifies the geographical area in which you work. This area must be within 60 minutes of the reference town indicated in your employment contract. Depending on the requirements of the business, you may be asked to travel temporarily without changing your place of residence in France or abroad.

Am I the employer of the household staff you propose?
Maison Helya is not a recruitment agency. As the employer of all our staff, we manage recruitment, ongoing training as well as all administrative aspects such as employment contracts, pay slips, holidays, social security declarations in the event of sickness or maternity leave, affiliation to the health insurance scheme, occupational medicine, legal risks in the event of a claim, meal allowances, miscellaneous equipment, replacements, etc. Maison Helya frees you from all administrative and managerial constraints.

Do Maison Helya staff bring their own equipment?
The household staff (cleaning staff, housekeeper, butler, linen maid, etc.) use the equipment provided by you. However, if this equipment is not sufficiently adapted or if certain products and/or materials are missing, we can provide them. All other Maison Helya service providers (masseur, makeup artist, beautician, groomer, etc.) bring their own equipment.

I’m going on leave but I’d like there to be continuity of service to ensure safety. Is this possible?
Yes, you just have to let us know.

I’m going on leave and would like to interrupt my services. Is this possible?
Maison Helya’s general terms and conditions of sale allow services to be interrupted for a maximum of 5 weeks per year. Prior notice must be given.

How can I pay my invoices ?
You can pay your invoice by bank transfer or direct debit.

When are the invoices sent out?
For regular services, you receive your invoice by email at the start of the month, after counting the hours worked the previous month. For one-off services, the invoice is sent at the end of the service.

Is there provision for a replacement if the domestic worker is absent?
In the event of absence for leave of our employees, a replacement is systematically provided if you wish. In the event of an unforeseen absence (illness for example), we provide a replacement as quickly as possible and ensure that instructions are passed on to the new worker through our quality manager.

What should I do if I’m not satisfied with the employee I’ve been given?
We offer other profiles to help you find the person who perfectly matches your expectations or personality.

I would like to change the dates?
All you have to do is send an e-mail to contact@maisonhelya.fr.